Monday, January 11, 2010

Two month shots

Colt is two months already!! Oh my!! Today we went in for his well baby check-up and his dreaded first set of shots. I was very prepared to get the worst mommy award today. But, pleasantly surprised,  I did not. The office was a bit behind so Colt became a little fussy since it was a little past his time to eat. I had a bottle ready so I whipped that out and he went at it. After he was done I had a few books in his bag, and we began to read. He LOVES to read. Or listen I should say. While I read to him, he will talk along with me as though he is reading the story too. So CUTE! Anyways, while I was reading the nurse came in ready to torture him. I decided to keep reading as though nothing was going on.... Shot 1, he didn't even flinch, kept on smiling... Shot 2, same thing.... I was absolutely amazed... Shot 3, okay he didn't care for that. But, his tears lasted less than 30seconds and he was back to enjoying his book. It was a great check-up, he weighs 13lbs 4oz, and is now 23 and 3/4in long. He is a growing boy!

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing!! So glad it all went well and he is a very healthy little boy!!
