Saturday, January 30, 2010

those baby blues...

They get me every time!!! Tonight was the night I was absolutely determined Colt will sleep in his crib! But no, where is he sleeping? You guessed it, right next to me. Every time I lay him in his crib, he just gives me this look and all of my built up will-power flies out the window. During the day for naps I have absolutely no problem putting him in there. But, at night.... I just can't. My reasoning tonight is that Billy is gone playing cards with friends, and I hate, HATE, sleeping alone. Especially here, with trucks in and out at all hours of the night. Just freaks me out. So Walter, our dog, and Colt are helping me get through the night. I will try the crib again another night. I know he will do just fine... He sleeps like a champ!! From 8:30pm till usually 7:30am can't get much better than that! Its me that can't let go...  Soon, I will... Tonight just wasn't our night!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chatty Kathy

Can you strike up a conversation with this crazy looking bird? Or these very neat elephants?! My son sure can!! Today we went to the dairy for a visit and on our way home I discovered this bird in our back seat. I attached it to his car seat and he was absolutely in love! He talked to this silly bird from the moment it was attached till we were on our way up Rye-grass. Those are the best little noises I have ever heard. Once we got home I set him in his swing while I made him a bottle. It was like he found his long lost friends and he was trying to catch up with them all. He is such a happy little man. BJ has been gone all day today, he just got home around 8. Colt hadn't seen him since last night. His face absolutely lit up when he saw his daddy walk in. And, once again, he had so much to say!! BJ and Colt had their nightly "man-time" and caught up on the days excitement. It was a great day for all of us!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rice Cereal

Since Colt has been a fairly good size boy since day one, the Doctor said we could introduce things to him a little sooner. Last night we attempted rice cereal. It was quite the experience. He could not get enough in his mouth fast enough. I needs some practice, to say the least. It was definitely messy, we will have to work on keeping more than half in his mouth rather than down his front. We had a good laugh and I wish we could have video taped it. When he gets excited he will snort like a pig, he does it also when he gets mad. But last night sounding like a pig suited quite nicely. He ate 4oz of cereal and then finished up with an 8oz bottle! He has an appetite like his daddy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Two month shots

Colt is two months already!! Oh my!! Today we went in for his well baby check-up and his dreaded first set of shots. I was very prepared to get the worst mommy award today. But, pleasantly surprised,  I did not. The office was a bit behind so Colt became a little fussy since it was a little past his time to eat. I had a bottle ready so I whipped that out and he went at it. After he was done I had a few books in his bag, and we began to read. He LOVES to read. Or listen I should say. While I read to him, he will talk along with me as though he is reading the story too. So CUTE! Anyways, while I was reading the nurse came in ready to torture him. I decided to keep reading as though nothing was going on.... Shot 1, he didn't even flinch, kept on smiling... Shot 2, same thing.... I was absolutely amazed... Shot 3, okay he didn't care for that. But, his tears lasted less than 30seconds and he was back to enjoying his book. It was a great check-up, he weighs 13lbs 4oz, and is now 23 and 3/4in long. He is a growing boy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

From then till now...

 BJ and I met fall of  2008, at a mutual friends wedding. BJ was the guy who had a few to many, and I was the stone sober DD. He asked me to dance, and then for my number. I didn't think he would have clue who "Sam" was in his phone the next day. But, by golly my phone rang the next morning and he remembered me very well. He was so sweet and said "You know, your a terrible dancer". I guess I'm a sucker for rudeness, but thats how the ball started rolling with us. Things came a little backwards for us, but we wouldn't trade it for anything. We found out we were expecting in March.  It was a complete shock. But we were ready to take it on. I moved to Ellensburg from Ephrata and took on a new job at a hay press a mile from our house. It was foreign ground for me. But, a great experience. Time flew and before we knew it, Colt was ready to come. He made his grand appearance at 8:55pm on November 8th, 2009. He came fast and furious and the labor was "okay". Im not opposed to having more children, if that tells you anything. It has been a whirlwind for the both of us to see where we were, where we thought we were going, and where we are now. We both believe that there is a plan for us, and we are right where we should be.